Monday, October 18, 2010

So the concert was fan-fucking-tastic. Serious, blew my mind. Amazing stuff. Settled on an outfit that was just kinda casual, but hid at least most of the areas i hate. Of course problems arose after the concert when friends decided to have a late dinner. And at that time all that was open were fast food joints. The problem is I can't NOT eat in front of them. So I unfortunately had to have something, and sadly our fast food places don't serve salads after a certain time of night. Ugh, has over 800 easily that day.

Today was great at first, I ate pretty much nothing at all right up until around 10pm, and then I ended up having a serving of potato chips, a couple tbsp of dip with them, and felt pretty lousy about that, but then ended up hungry again and had some salmon and peas. Had maybe at most 700 cals. So its not terrible, but ugh. I just totally should have had a choco-mint tea and if I was still hungry, then some dill pickles.

Starting ABC tomorrow for a minumum of a week. I might go longer depending on the week's progress, or I may switch up diets every week from my diet stash, to keep things fresh. So yeah, 500 day. All I have to eat though are egg whites, cans of tuna, cans of various soups, 6 50cal pots of apple sauce, a bag of prawns, a half a green bell pepper, and a 2 large carrots. Everything else in my house I wont touch on a diet. 75 cals for a slice of bread? no thanks. Pasta? yeah not happening. beef and chicken? Yeah I don't do meat (outside of seafood) Ugh. The worst of it is, I'm flat broke till weeks end, so I can't go out and buy fresh veg and fruit. Which sucks, because I need celery bad.

I might have like some egg whites and applesauce for breakfast, and maybe a can of tuna with mustard and chopped bell pepper, and maybe for dinner some garlic stir fry prawns. Not sure. I'll figure something out though. Make due I guess.

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