Thursday, October 21, 2010

Day 3 done, yey. Ugh tired

Ugh I found myself really tired today. Managed an hour long speed walk session, got in crunches and a bit of weight lifting. But yeah lethargic today. Got through though so I'm feeling really accomplished with that, and Im going to use that momentum to get me through tomorrow too.

ABC day 3: 300 calories
Breakfast: 3 egg whites, pam spray, splash of milk = 55
Snack: 1 apple sauce = 50
Lunch: 1 chicken and mini pasta soup at hand = 70
Dinner: 75g cooked chicken breast, 1 tsp ketchup 115g cantaloupe = 104
Total: 279

Hopefully I sleep decent tonight. I plan on taking another walk tomorrow afternoon, partially because I have to go to our post office to check if the mail is there. But also just because I want to. Trying to figure out what I was going to eat tomorrow was hard. Being broke I cant buy any foods, so I can't lean on having egg whites or anything like that every day because Ive got like 2 eggs left, and of course soups, tuna, and that kinda thing. I scrounged enough change today to get a bottle of coke zero and even a small cantaloupe. I needed some form of fruit or veg. I'm probably just going to end up having sugar free jello on my 100 day, which oh my gosh, falls on friday of all days. -.-

An well time for bed, I've at least got breakfast sorted for tomorrow, so I'll work on the rest of the day when I'm having that.

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