Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Ugh, new month, time of a new plan

Okay so I haven't posted in a couple days. Just shit with life being crappy and depression and stuff. I haven't been eating horribly though, but restricting to straight protein foods and under 20g of carbs just wasn't working for me at this point in my life. Maybe at a time when things weren't so stressful or problematic.
So Ive decided for the entire month of November, to combine alternate day fasting, with the skinny girl diet.

So basically it would be like: do 1st day of SG, fast, do 2nd day of SG, fast, do 3rd day of SG, fast, etc.
Here's the skinny girl diet, complete with the rules
I will be changing the rules around though, because I dont feel comfortable with them.
For starters, I am NOT comfortable ignoring the calorie count of most fruits and veggies. Especially things high in calories, like bananas, corn, peas, etc. So I will be counting the calories of EVERYTHING towards my daily totals, except for: lettuce, celery, & cucumbers. These are the ONLY foods I will not count towards my daily total.
I will be doing the 30 minutes of exercise 5x a week. On the fast days, this exercise will be walking, or yoga/pilates, and on non fast days, I will not consider walking as exercise. Rather things like weights, or cardio, or things like that.
And I will be doing extra exercise if I go over my calorie limits.

As for fasting, I'll be restricting myself to teas, water, & diet drinks. If I feel faint on a fast day, I will allow myself no more than 30 calories of broth.

So yeah thats the plan. Started today with day one of the skinny girl diet.

Skinny Girl Diet - Day 1 - 400 calories
8 mini rice chips - 60
1 full bag smart pop popcorn - 260
1 small chicken breast - 80
1/2 cucumber - n/a

Exercise: 30 minutes of ab and arm exercises.

Tomorrow is my fast day. I'm kind of sick, so I plan on just chilling in bed, maybe going for a small walk if weather permits.

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