Saturday, November 20, 2010


So for about a week Ive been on a binge-restrict/fast cycle. It's disgusting. Some binge days I clock over 2k in calories. I feel so ashamed.

I'm going back on ABC on monday. I will stick to it until Christmas, and I'm going to make that a promise, so that I feel more obligated to hold true to that. ABC seems to work better for me. I can have the things I like and spend my calories how I want, but still have limits to adhere to. So yeah I'm going to give it all the effort I've got.

Well apparently, it snowed the other day here. I fucking hate the cold. It bothers me a lot. Plus we have a flight of stairs to climb up and down just to get to the front door, and its dangerous going up and down them with the snow. >_< I have no intentions of going to the gym given that it is snowy outside, and cold. I can't do an hour walk in the snow just to do something else that I can't stand doing on top of it. Hopefully it warms up. But for now I'll stick to weights, pilates, and ddr, provided that I actually get off my ass to do these things consistantly. Ugh I HATE physical exertion.

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