Monday, June 28, 2010


Okay well friday and saturday were terrible. Had way too much food.

Friday - My older friend decided to get a damn banana creme pie to eat after the gaming session. Of course he treats me like a daughter/little sister, so I said I didn't want it, but he knew I didn't have anything to eat all today when I was there, so he told me to eat the thing. It was a quarter of it too. I tried to get out of it, like saying my stomach hurt, and he just said yeah cause i haven't had food yet. After that it was just one thing after another. The pie itself was 700+ calories and then I had a handful of chips, and some artichoke salad. Over 1000 calories probably.

Saturday - I drank this day. Had about 4 Mike's hard pink lemonades, then had chips, burritos and potato salad. Ened up eating over 2k in calories counting the alcohol. Ugh. Disgusting. Being drunk is fun till you realize drinks have calories and the inhibition makes you more likely to eat.

Sunday - Wanted to fast this day. Didn't go out to my game yesterday because of some drama from the day before. Just didn't want to end up irritated. Had nothing till night time where I had a 300 cal bag of popcorn and then a home made egg mcmuffin and a slice of skimed milk cheese. Averaged to about 550 calories. Not terrible I suppose, but I wanted to fast.

Today I'm starting a 200, 400, 600, 400, 200 diet. The way it works out is that even if you overeat, still add 200 to each day and decrease 200. then for the next week you take the total calories of the 5 days, then subtract 1800 from that and whats left divide by 5 and subtract that from each days totals, then do the same thing with +200 the first couple days and -200 the next.

for example say you overeat the 200 on monday
1st Week:
Monday: 353 cal. Tuesday: 553 cal. Wednesday: 753 cal. Thursday: 553 cal. Friday: 353 cal.
Week Total: 2562 cal.
Now, the math:
2562 – 1800 = 765 cal
765 : 5 = 153 cal.
2nd Week:
Monday: 200 – 153 = 47cal
Tuesday: 400 – 153 = 247 cal
Wednesday: 600 – 153 = 447 cal
Thursday: 400 – 153 = 247 cal
Friday: 200 – 153 = 47 cal
3rd Week:
Go back to 200, 400, 600, 400, 200.

This will for me, remind me of the consequences of overeating. I aim to exercise at least 30 minutes every day. Doesn't matter what I do, but if I can hit the gym, then that's great. If not I'll do at home workouts, do some light jump rope, do my exercise videos, whatever.

But yeah Ive got a plan now. I'll do that for as long as I feel up to it. If it becomes to difficult or too easy I'll adjust accordingly.

1 comment:

  1. Hey :). I'm starting ana boot camp today. I'm 17, 5'5 1/2, CW: 128, GW: 110. We're almost exactly the same so i was wondering if you'd like to join me :). Are you still 128? E-mail me.
