Thursday, June 24, 2010

Liquid Diet - Final Day (Fast Day 1)

Today was so easy. I didn't get to walk into town to the mall, but even still, the day was great. Found a copy of an old game I've been looking for since before christmas, and got a nice dice set for roleplaying tomorrow. It's a cool swirly orange color. Got to walk around the malls and that proved some nice exercise.

Intake for today was:
Loads and loads of water (it was hot out today and the water was so nice)
Coke zero
and right now I'm enjoying some peppermint tea before I head to bed here.

So yeah it was easy enough for me. I felt hungry around mid day, but after that subsided, I just never thought about food.

Anyway got plenty to keep me occupied for the next 3 days, so fasting should be no problem for the remainder of the days. G'night.

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