Thursday, June 24, 2010

Liquid Diet - Day 4 (ABC Day 3 - 300 cal)

Sigh. Stressed out. Feeling disgusted and just bleh.

God I can't even log what I had. It was terrible. Ate out with friends and had to have fish and chips since we only went to a fish and chips place. So pissed. It was easily over 1000 calories. Ugh. I'm so dissapointed in myself.
Total: 1000+ calories

On the up side I did bust my ass tonight working out, so that I could at least look back and say I did something. But still. I need to crack down here and refocus again. I'll be fasting for 4 days in an attempt to refocus myself. Things that will be allowed on my fast:

Coke Zero
Diet Rootbeer
Loads of Water (its been really hot here lately)
Tea (either hot or chilled, but without milk or sugar)
And possibly some Orange Juice diluted in water for when I get faint.

So for Thursday, Friday, Saturday, & Sunday that's the plan. F/S/S should be easiest since I have 3 days of spending all day at friend's houses doing d&d and white wolf role-playing games. So that will keep me very busy. Tomorrow I plan to walk to the mall, which is a 5.4km walk for me. I want to try on clothes and use it to motivate and focus me. Plus the 11km walk is sure to give me some nice exercise. If it isn't too late when I get back into town, I will brave the bikini and go swimming at the pool. I need to subject myself to that kind of embarrassment I think. Plus hey, more exercise.

So after the 4 day fast, I'm not sure what to go in to. Possibly restart ABC, or maybe I will thumb through my diet book and try something else. Or I could take some time to create something completely personal too. If anyone has any thoughts or ideas, feel free to comment with them. I love imput.

Going to go soak my sore muscles in the tub for a while before i head off to bed. I want to be well rested for the treck.

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