Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Liquid Diet - Day 3 complete (ABC Day 2 - 500 cal)

Day 3 done. Today was nice. Not to difficult I don't think. Though some urges do rise every now and then, mostly because I get paid at midnight and with money comes the urge to spend. But anyway.

Breakfast: Water - 0
Snack: 1/2 cup mango peach juice diluted in water - 45
Lunch: 1 large can tomato soup - 216
Snack: Coke zero and green tea - 0
Dinner: 1 carton of Knorr orange soup - 180
Total: 441 calories

So today was decent. Got a ton of exercise when I went hiking with a friend. Haven't been hiking in ages. Felt great and I burned 960 calories doing so. Depressed a bit because the numbers didn't shift today and I feel like I might have hit a snag. But hopefully that activity and those burned calories get the metabolism going and shift the number for tomorrow.

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