Monday, June 28, 2010


Okay well friday and saturday were terrible. Had way too much food.

Friday - My older friend decided to get a damn banana creme pie to eat after the gaming session. Of course he treats me like a daughter/little sister, so I said I didn't want it, but he knew I didn't have anything to eat all today when I was there, so he told me to eat the thing. It was a quarter of it too. I tried to get out of it, like saying my stomach hurt, and he just said yeah cause i haven't had food yet. After that it was just one thing after another. The pie itself was 700+ calories and then I had a handful of chips, and some artichoke salad. Over 1000 calories probably.

Saturday - I drank this day. Had about 4 Mike's hard pink lemonades, then had chips, burritos and potato salad. Ened up eating over 2k in calories counting the alcohol. Ugh. Disgusting. Being drunk is fun till you realize drinks have calories and the inhibition makes you more likely to eat.

Sunday - Wanted to fast this day. Didn't go out to my game yesterday because of some drama from the day before. Just didn't want to end up irritated. Had nothing till night time where I had a 300 cal bag of popcorn and then a home made egg mcmuffin and a slice of skimed milk cheese. Averaged to about 550 calories. Not terrible I suppose, but I wanted to fast.

Today I'm starting a 200, 400, 600, 400, 200 diet. The way it works out is that even if you overeat, still add 200 to each day and decrease 200. then for the next week you take the total calories of the 5 days, then subtract 1800 from that and whats left divide by 5 and subtract that from each days totals, then do the same thing with +200 the first couple days and -200 the next.

for example say you overeat the 200 on monday
1st Week:
Monday: 353 cal. Tuesday: 553 cal. Wednesday: 753 cal. Thursday: 553 cal. Friday: 353 cal.
Week Total: 2562 cal.
Now, the math:
2562 – 1800 = 765 cal
765 : 5 = 153 cal.
2nd Week:
Monday: 200 – 153 = 47cal
Tuesday: 400 – 153 = 247 cal
Wednesday: 600 – 153 = 447 cal
Thursday: 400 – 153 = 247 cal
Friday: 200 – 153 = 47 cal
3rd Week:
Go back to 200, 400, 600, 400, 200.

This will for me, remind me of the consequences of overeating. I aim to exercise at least 30 minutes every day. Doesn't matter what I do, but if I can hit the gym, then that's great. If not I'll do at home workouts, do some light jump rope, do my exercise videos, whatever.

But yeah Ive got a plan now. I'll do that for as long as I feel up to it. If it becomes to difficult or too easy I'll adjust accordingly.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Liquid Diet - Final Day (Fast Day 1)

Today was so easy. I didn't get to walk into town to the mall, but even still, the day was great. Found a copy of an old game I've been looking for since before christmas, and got a nice dice set for roleplaying tomorrow. It's a cool swirly orange color. Got to walk around the malls and that proved some nice exercise.

Intake for today was:
Loads and loads of water (it was hot out today and the water was so nice)
Coke zero
and right now I'm enjoying some peppermint tea before I head to bed here.

So yeah it was easy enough for me. I felt hungry around mid day, but after that subsided, I just never thought about food.

Anyway got plenty to keep me occupied for the next 3 days, so fasting should be no problem for the remainder of the days. G'night.

Liquid Diet - Day 4 (ABC Day 3 - 300 cal)

Sigh. Stressed out. Feeling disgusted and just bleh.

God I can't even log what I had. It was terrible. Ate out with friends and had to have fish and chips since we only went to a fish and chips place. So pissed. It was easily over 1000 calories. Ugh. I'm so dissapointed in myself.
Total: 1000+ calories

On the up side I did bust my ass tonight working out, so that I could at least look back and say I did something. But still. I need to crack down here and refocus again. I'll be fasting for 4 days in an attempt to refocus myself. Things that will be allowed on my fast:

Coke Zero
Diet Rootbeer
Loads of Water (its been really hot here lately)
Tea (either hot or chilled, but without milk or sugar)
And possibly some Orange Juice diluted in water for when I get faint.

So for Thursday, Friday, Saturday, & Sunday that's the plan. F/S/S should be easiest since I have 3 days of spending all day at friend's houses doing d&d and white wolf role-playing games. So that will keep me very busy. Tomorrow I plan to walk to the mall, which is a 5.4km walk for me. I want to try on clothes and use it to motivate and focus me. Plus the 11km walk is sure to give me some nice exercise. If it isn't too late when I get back into town, I will brave the bikini and go swimming at the pool. I need to subject myself to that kind of embarrassment I think. Plus hey, more exercise.

So after the 4 day fast, I'm not sure what to go in to. Possibly restart ABC, or maybe I will thumb through my diet book and try something else. Or I could take some time to create something completely personal too. If anyone has any thoughts or ideas, feel free to comment with them. I love imput.

Going to go soak my sore muscles in the tub for a while before i head off to bed. I want to be well rested for the treck.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Liquid Diet - Day 3 complete (ABC Day 2 - 500 cal)

Day 3 done. Today was nice. Not to difficult I don't think. Though some urges do rise every now and then, mostly because I get paid at midnight and with money comes the urge to spend. But anyway.

Breakfast: Water - 0
Snack: 1/2 cup mango peach juice diluted in water - 45
Lunch: 1 large can tomato soup - 216
Snack: Coke zero and green tea - 0
Dinner: 1 carton of Knorr orange soup - 180
Total: 441 calories

So today was decent. Got a ton of exercise when I went hiking with a friend. Haven't been hiking in ages. Felt great and I burned 960 calories doing so. Depressed a bit because the numbers didn't shift today and I feel like I might have hit a snag. But hopefully that activity and those burned calories get the metabolism going and shift the number for tomorrow.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Liquid Diet - Day 2 complete (started abc today)

So yeah second day of the liquid diet till the end of thursday is done. I also tacked on ABC as well to give myself more restriction on how many calories I could have. Plus I can continue it, even after the liquid diet is done. So anyways.

Breakfast: 1 juice box of orange juice diluted in 1 1/2 cups water - 90
Snack: Coke zero - 0
Lunch: 1 can of tomato soup - 155
Snack: lots of water and a green tea - 0
Dinner: 1 carton of potato leek soup spread out over the rest of evening - 220
Total: 465 calories

So yeah I stayed under the 500 limit for ABC today, as well as stuck to all liquid. It was hard though. When I went to the store for soup, I looked at everything in the store. I got mega urges just to buy things like cake, chips and dip, ice cream. Just rubbish really. But bearing in mind that I'm broke till Wednesday, I had to think to myself if this was really the way I wanted to spend my last 20 bucks. So I pulled myself up, and started to gather fruit and veg, since they are sectioned near the chips and ice creams. I bought 1/2 pound of grapes, 1/2 pound of cherries, a head of romaine lettuce. After I had it all bagged up, I thought it would look silly if i put it all back, therefore had to buy it. Which prevented me from having the funds available to buy junk. So with that and my soups in hand I made it home in one piece.
Though it's still a struggle. I'm already getting tired of soup and juice every day, and I just have urges to go into the kitchen and eat things like deep fried tempura, french bread with butter, or waffles and peanut butter. But I'm just drinking my tea and staying strong.
In fact I think I'll hit bed early tonight to ensure nothing goes wrong.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Liquid Diet - Day 1 Complete

So day one is complete on my liquid diet till end of thursday. Here's what I had

Breakfast: 1/2 cup blueberry carrot juice diluted in 1 cup water - 45
Snack: Lots of teas and coke zero - 0
Lunch: Peppermint tea - 0
Snack: 1/4 cup unsweetened apple juice in 1/2 cup water - 23
Dinner: 1 carton of potato leek soup spread out over the rest of evening - 220
Total: 288 calories

Had no troubles or urges at all today, which was relieving. I'm off to go play some video games and keep these hands busy for another 2 hours till bed time. G'night.


So welcome lovelies to my blog. I'll just be keeping this here to chronicle my diets and weight loss, and how i felt in correlation to my eating and what not. Just a place to sort it all out. My name is Karen, and I'm 27 years of age.

So yeah anyway, on with it eh.

Today marks the start of a liquid fast/diet till the end of thursday. Calories aren't too important, but I have no plans to go over 400 on any given day.

My rules for such are as follows:
No foods that have anything solid. Pureed soups are fine.
Protein Shakes are fine as well
Juices without added sugar, as well as my lovely coke zero and herbal teas are acceptable too.
And lots of tasty water, with 5 cal packs added if I choose to.

I'll update you on today as I've completed it. Ta ta